There are five components to the application intensive that I believe highlight Ivy Review’s embodiment of a sturdy, wooden mallet. First, and forgive me for the cliché, is that they knew me better than I knew myself. Second, Ivy Review not only had an inside perspective on the college application review process, but also an insight into what type of student each university is inclined to accept, and by extension, which universities would best suit my personality. Third, their extensive network of alumni who filled the crucial role of essay editors provided me with a variety of feedback regarding what type of individual I came across as in my essays.
But perhaps most important, especially for someone burdened with a habit of procrastination, was Ivy Review’s insistence that I begin drafting essays in my junior year. The final component [is]...the mock interview. Mr. Hull is undoubtedly more intimidating than any of the three official interviewers I had, so I was able to walk into each one with confidence, humility, and a clear answer of what my biggest weakness was. Thank you, Ivy Review, for being my mallet. I will definitely visit up in Palo Alto.
Stanford University, Gita M.

College applications are more than a mere resume sent to colleges; rather applications are essentially a personality put on paper. Accurately representing my self as a resilient, compassionate, and as an intellectual thinker was a challenge and that is where Ivy Review proved an invaluable resource. Ivy Review helped put my emotions onto the paper in a way that was uplifting rather than pitiful, optimistic rather than pessimistic, hopeful rather than discouraging. I am proud of my essay because it illustrates how I matured throughout high school and turned an unexpected experience into an opportunity.
Finally, Ivy Review helped me with the college interview by [providing] me with the most popular questions asked as well as tips if I get stuck on a question. With Ivy Review, I learned how to craft my application into a story. I made sure my application left a sense of certainty, clarity, and confidence [in who I was] in the admission officer’s eyes.
Ultimately, however, I believe the most important advice that Ivy Review provided was given at the very beginning of the college application process. Mr. Hull stated that even if a school denied me, I should still feel like I did everything in my power to be accepted. I can proudly say that looking back at my results, I am content with each outcome – accepted or denied – because, with the guidance of Ivy Review, I really gave college applications my all.
Stanford University, Priya M.

Ivy Review was pivotal in helping me through my college application process. Prior to joining Ivy Review, I was academically engaged and had extracurricular interests. It became more exceptional. [But} through personalized class schedule planning, extracurricular development, and of course, essay writing, I have found my passions, excelled academically, thrived through my extracurriculars, and grown as an individual.
They also encouraged me to enhance my academic rigor outside of the classroom, in ways I had never considered prior. There, my passion for science was reignited, as these courses heavily influenced my college major decisions. Ivy Review enhanced my extracurricular interests by finding unique ways to blend the interests together.
Finally, Ivy Review’s essay writing help is phenomenal. With each college, Ivy Review helped me outline an essay, ensuring that it included essential characteristics to my development. They also then helped me edit that essay, with some of my essays receiving many revisions over the course of several months, each time fine-tuning to make sure that it was the best possible reflection of myself. All in all, I would simply like to extend a thank-you to Ivy Review. The coaching has helped me to reach new heights, far beyond what I could have imagined. Thank you!
Harvard University, Milan W.

The Ivy Review program provided me with invaluable support during my high school journey, and I am certain that I would not be nearly as excited with my college and future career plans as I am now. Upon reflection, it is clear how every piece of advice and every organized workshop served to educate us about the intricacies of preparing for college and the value of matching students’ skills and passions towards their university goals. Even with my busy school schedule, Ivy Review helped me stay on track with the application process and deadlines.
The program helped me narrow my college list early on, so that I had the time to research each college and determine which ones best suited me. Regarding applications, Ivy Review taught me how to describe my accomplishments and extracurriculars succinctly, given the limited space available. The milestones Ivy Review set were fair, manageable, and helped me pace myself. Overall, through all the ups and downs of my high school experience, I could always count on Ivy Review to help me make sense of it all.
Cornell University, Varun R.

Ivy Review was critical in helping me realize the importance of my academic success. Through Ivy Review, I utilized resources such as essay-editing to earn better grades and improve my GPA. Ivy Review also helped me learn about opportunities in my local community and abroad that supplemented my application. During the application season, Ivy Review helped me finish the bulk-work of the applications over the summer, leaving first-semester senior year free to focus on grades.
Ivy Review was also instrumental in helping me navigate the college application process, answering my several questions about minute details. Ivy Review’s experience and knowledge about the college application process and what the admission committees are looking for is unparalleled and invaluable. Overall, Ivy Review was extremely helpful in every aspect of the college application process since the beginning. I am confident that my results would not be the same if I did not have Ivy Review.
Rice University, Anika A.

As I prepared for high school, both my father and grandmother were at a loss as to how they would be able to support me as I applied for college. They heard stories from other parents who had become incredibly stressed with their children’s college applications and did not think they had the know-how to guide me through such an overwhelming process. That’s when we came across Ivy Review, and from the moment I sat down for my first one-on-one consultation, I could sense the difference in expectations the Ivy Review counselors had for me. Instead of bolstering my accomplishments and sugar-coating my shortcomings, Ivy Review told me exactly where I needed to improve to help me better my college application. That acerbic strictness is only present in a true college counselor, and Ivy Review counselors definitely exemplify these traits. The main aspect for which I am most grateful to Ivy Review is their SAT boot camp. By the time my peers were only beginning to study for their SATs, I had already scored in the 99th percentile in all sections, which reflected an improvement of 300 points since I began the program. Ivy Review also helped me through a very difficult patch during my high school career. I had almost lost hope in obtaining admission to even relatively selective colleges, but my counselors at Ivy Review stuck with me until the very end. I think that goes to show that Ivy Review isn’t just for the superbly precocious students who realize straight-As without much effort; rather, this institution is primarily motivated in helping ALL of their clients achieve greatness.
New York University, Avery F.

I gained tremendous insight into the college admissions process at top-tier schools during my time with Ivy Review, with particular regard to the most important characteristics admissions officers look for in applicants...Most importantly, Ivy Review’s guidance helped me grow to more resemble an ideal college applicant: a courageous, resilient, steadfast dreamer. Ivy Review helped me leave the comfort of my shell, and it is an experience that I will value for the rest of my life.
New York University, Chelsea X.

There are many times during my high school career that I felt lost and overwhelmed, but my monthly meetings... helped me keep on track and calm down… Through Ivy Review, I have also received help in the actual personal statement writing, refining my essays time and again until they were as close to perfect as possible… I applied to college this year as a junior, and it is because of Ivy Review that I am able to say that I will be attending college a year earlier than my peers.
UC Berkeley EECS, Sukrit A.

I will forever value the advice Ivy Review gave me in high school and throughout my college application process. When I first came to Ivy Review, they helped me lay out a plan for all of high school in terms of classes, standardized tests, and extracurriculars, based on what I wanted to pursue in the future. The monthly meeting and workshops have redirected me to this plan frequently and given me advice on how to move forward. Ivy Review also gave me a very clear focus on what I should pursue in extracurricular activities. Ivy Review directed me in starting a non-profit and also frequently checked in about the other activities I was involved in and the leadership positions I held in each. Ivy Review has given me advice on how to balance extracurricular activities with classes and testing, and I am confident that this advice will help me immensely in the future as well.
Rice/Baylor BSMD, Snigdha B.

The most substantial help I received from Ivy Review was in my Common App essay...Another source of help was in the advising of my extracurricular activities in my sophomore and junior years. With Ivy Review's advice, I was able to create a non-profit organization, and participate in two medical internships. In this aspect, I feel that I was able to highlight both my leadership capabilities, as well as dedication to the field of biology and medicine.
Brown University, Alan T.

Ivy Review really helped me with staying up to date with the latest deadlines on internship programs. They taught me the importance of time management throughout the entirety of the college application process. This greatly helped me reduce the stress load of my first college applications by mid-December due to the sheer number of college application workshops Ivy Review hosted. I also really admired the essay editing system that Ivy Review provided because it allowed me to submit any essay for either college or school and get immediate feedback that I could incorporate.
MIT, Stuti V.

Ivy Review helped open me up to the unknown flaws in my application and resume. Even with the lack of time, I had to fix these flaws, as I joined late compared to my peers. Ivy Review supported me all the way through my journey, giving me several ideas of activities I could do that would relate to my intended major, and helping me find a research opportunity with a professor at Stanford University. At the end of the college application process, I had seen massive improvements that I could not have pictured myself achieving at the beginning of my journey. Ivy Review helped me foster my talents and prepare me for the rigorous college journey while giving me confidence to achieve bigger and more optimistic dreams and aspirations.
UCLA, Ruka M.

I just came from China to the States as a sophomore. I asked myself one question: how will I stand out if I am just doing what everyone else is doing? And Ivy Review gave me the answer. The best part about Ivy Review is how it helped me and pushed me to go beyond what is normally required in order to achieve my goal. Ivy Review inspires me and guided me to do things that other students either cannot think of or lack the courage to pursue. I truly think working with Ivy Review has been the single best decision I made in the entire college application system. I would definitely not have been accepted to UPenn without the help of Ivy Review and I am grateful for everything they have helped me with.
University of Pennsylvania, Lin Z.

Ivy Review was extremely helpful in assisting me with the college application process. [Ivy Review] was then able to personalize this for me by suggesting various extracurricular activities I could take part in that would show factors that they stressed that were crucial to college admissions officers. Not only did [Ivy Review] give me valuable advice regarding the college application process, but they also were able to help me with my struggle with time management. Overall, Ivy Review did a fantastic job in guiding me not just in my college application but also in developing good personal habits."
MIT, Shana M.

Ivy Review assisted me with my college applications before the process truly even began by advising and guiding me through my sophomore, junior, and senior years. By portraying these opportunities and motivating me to pursue them, Ivy Review not only strengthened my future college applications but also allowed me to improve as a person.
Rochester REMS, Aniruddh M.

Ivy Review helped me through the entire college application process, from choosing colleges to writing essays. Even before I began my senior year, Ivy Review was walking me through the crucial middle years of high school. They helped me manage my heavy junior year course load, gave recommendations to help me perform better in several of my more difficult classes, and advised me on the balance of my extracurriculars.
UC Berkeley EECS, Edric X.

Through Ivy Review, I was able to create and organize a college list, research and seek out opportunities...Looking back at my first draft of my common app essay, there are almost no exact sentences that were left untouched and preserved in the finished version. I went through over twenty drafts and was able to mold my essay into something unique that not only represents me and my interests, but also my goals for the future in college.
Overall, Ivy Review helped me decide what I want to study in college and to select classes, summer programs, and colleges, and advised me through the application, essay writing, and interviewing process.
UC Berkeley, Sara Y.

Ivy Review has been my helping hand in every aspect of my college application journey. Thanks to the team of counselors at Ivy Review, my college options were opened up from one school to any school in the country. This opportunity would not have been made evident and later viable without the support of Ivy Review. Specifically, after explaining the option to graduate one year early, Ivy Review...[sic] guided me to staying on track to complete the needed requirements, as well as completing my applications. Ivy Review constantly pushed me to strive to do better and helped me realize my potential.
UC Berkeley, Sonia S.

Ivy Review helped me realize which schools were actually reaches, targets, and safeties for me because up until then I was listing the wrong schools in those categories. They also allowed me to dedicate time to writing my essays or working on my applications, which was really helpful because I would have put it off otherwise. Because I was also part of the TAP program, Ivy Review allowed me to build up my resume by providing me with various volunteer or working opportunities. This made it easier to spread out most of the academic work involved in the application process over four years instead of over just one or two years..
UC San Diego, Harita G.

...While in high school we are irrational, emotional, cocky adolescents, and we need people to fight with us to stay on the right path. That is what Ivy Review has done for me...Seldom do we realize which experience is more valuable. So, after turning C’s into A’s in high school, 29’s to 34’s on the ACT, and myself from a rash, unfocused, and hyper individual into a nuanced, driven, and grateful member of the Ivy Review Community, I’d like to say thank you. Thank you for teaching me invaluable skills such as how to listen and how to think before I speak. Thank you for allowing me to make mistakes while in high school, so that I do not make them as an adult. My emotional fortitude and perseverance are due to Ivy Review’s discipline and kindness. Ivy Review is the reason why I will have the opportunity to attend Carnegie Mellon University as a scholar. Thank you for always answering my 1 bajillion emails.
Carnegie Mellon, Maya S.

Ivy Review provided me with one-on-one attention that was fundamental to my success in my college application process. They began assisting me early in my sophomore year by helping me plan my schedule, study for the SAT, participate in meaningful extra-curricular activities and develop many useful skills for effectively managing my time. They informed me early on about the main factors that are evaluated in each college application and helped me [to] plan my schedule in order to have a well-rounded application when senior year came. Before joining Ivy Review, I was an average student whose grades and activities blended in with the crowd. However, with the help of Ivy Review, I was able to build a college application with desirable test scores and outstanding extra-curricular activities.
Boston U, Catherine X.

Not only did Ivy Review help me with my college application process, and they also inspired me and motivated me to reach my future goals. During the CAC Workshops, I was extremely motivated because I had a lot of support from the editors to help me and guide me through the process. I never felt lost or confused during the process and I was very glad that they meticulously scrutinized every single word in my essays. Ivy Review made it possible for me to be perceived as a viable candidate.
Purdue, Urbi S.

Let me start with debunking a myth that private high schools provide excellent college counseling service...An average counselor at a private school counsels anywhere between 50-100 seniors (and many more when factoring in grades 9-11). Like the "no child left behind policy", schools try to cater to an average student and as a result, high-potential students end up getting a short end of the stick...After talking to three different counselors, we retained [Ivy Review] as our son started junior year of his high school (in hindsight, perhaps I should have started a year earlier). He just chose Wharton @ Penn, his dream school (for class of 2019). While our son definitely worked very hard, I am not sure if he would have been able to achieve his desired outcome without [Ivy Review's] help....
University of Pennsylvania, Father of Hersh S.

I would like to sincerely thank you for all your help...All the wonderful choices for college and friendships she has made are because of your help and guidance. You have made an everlasting positive impression on Jayna. A heartfelt thank you from both, Suresh and I. We will be seeing you in a few years again.
Cornell, Mother of Jayna P.

Thank you for your help. I will miss your consultation sessions. You've helped me a lot and I really appreciate your guidance. I will never forget my experiences at Ivy Review. It was truly a blessing to have gotten to know your family. You are all wonderful people and I hope this calls for meetings in the future. I will continue to work hard and hopefully someday, I can see it all pay off. I am determined to continue to strive for the best. I'll be one of the best success stories those colleges have ever heard of.
UC Berkeley, Claudia C.

I joined Ivy Review with little confidence: a mediocre GPA and SAT score and typical extracurricular activities; I did not think I would be able to gain an acceptance to a prestigious university. The programs and counseling by Ivy Review were the most influential factors in helping me gain acceptance into UC Berkeley...No matter how late it was, [Ivy Review] would always help me revise my essays right after I had finished typing them. My essays must have gone through at least seven revisions before they were deemed competent. Ivy Review has helped me achieve one of my major goals in life, and I will always be a proud, successful student of the Ivy Review.
UC Berkeley, Jimmy H.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to your greatest assistance on Jimmy's college application. We can't thank you enough for being there for us throughout the entire application process. Your tremendous guidance was the key ingredient to Jimmy's success. Thank you so much.
UC Berkeley, Father of Jimmy H.

I was really nervous before I checked my admissions status for Berkeley… but after I logged in and saw the words, “Congratulations” I FLIPPED OUT and screamed and jumped up and down and fell down and cried. It is still hard to believe that I got in, but I did it!!!! I am going to be class of 2015 at Berkeley!!!!!! Thank you soooooo much! Thank you...for helping me grow as a person, and for always believing in me. And thank you for helping me through my whole application process and for giving me good advice.
UC Berkeley, Alexandra P.

Ivy Review provided essential guidance in refining and focusing my application materials. In addition, I learned that the process of college application must be considered from the college admissions officers’ point of view, in addition to my own. I believe this macro-perspective, combined with numerous effective micro-techniques, enabled me to successfully present myself through my college applications.
Columbia, Charlie W.

I just received all my college decisions. I got accepted into U Penn. Thank you so much for your help and guidance in the application process.
UPenn, Andy L.

Peter got accepted by Stanford!!! A million thanks for your help and guidance!!! We are so surprised by Stanford's acceptance. I'm still shaking as I'm typing this email as this has been an emotional journey. Many thanks!!!
Stanford, Mother of Peter L.

Ivy Review went above and beyond my expectations and helped me tremendously. Not only did it solidify my SAT score, but I became more aware of my choices so that I could make an educated decision about my college opportunities.
UPenn, Max I.

I want to notify you that I have been accepted by UCLA! I think those supplement questionnaires really paid off! I want to thank you so much for everything. None of this would have been possible without your help!
UCLA, Hyunchul K.

Ivy Review not only helped me get into college and improve my SAT scores, but they also helped me grow as a person. At meeting, [Ivy Review] would ask me questions that allowed me to step back and evaluate myself as a student…..The lessons I have learned from class not only helped me boost my SAT score, but I learned life lessons that I will carry on for the rest of my life. [Ivy Review] taught me to always be on time, to always be respectful, and most importantly to set a goal for myself and achieve it. I am truly thankful for the lessons that [Ivy Review] has taught me and I will take them with me as I approach a new chapter in my life.
Syracuse, Evelina C.

I'm impressed by your professionalism and knowledge of the college application process. Your guidance was crystal clear. Thank you!
Stanford, Anna Z.

Ivy Review went above and beyond my expectations and helped me tremendously. Not only did it solidify my SAT score, but I became more aware of my choices so that I could make an educated decision about my college opportunities.
UPenn, Max I.

Ivy Review went above and beyond my expectations and helped me tremendously. Not only did it solidify my SAT score, but I became more aware of my choices so that I could make an educated decision about my college opportunities.
UPenn, Max I.

I am very happy to share with you my college acceptances: UC Berkeley – EECS. Cornell University – CS. I thank you for all your help and support during my college application process.
UC Berkeley, Alekhya N.

Thank you so much for your help throughout the past two years by motivating me to succeed and push harder toward my goals. I truly appreciate your help and assistance in the college application process.
Brown, Anish A.

Thanks for your help with the application process. It was a very confusing and complicated process and we appreciate your help in navigating it though we only came to you towards the tail end of Junior year. We are very happy with her current choices.
Harvard, Mother of Shilpa Y.

Ivy Review went above and beyond my expectations and helped me tremendously. Not only did it solidify my SAT score, but I became more aware of my choices so that I could make an educated decision about my college opportunities.
UPenn, Max I.

I want to thank you for everything that you’ve done for me the past three years. I have been accepted to Columbia and Berkeley today, and I couldn’t have reached this stage without your guidance. Thank you so much!
Columbia, Sandra Y.

I was just admitted to Churchill College at the University of Cambridge. Thought I might share the good news with you.
Cambridge, Minmin F.

Last night I got an email stating that I am a candidate for the UC Berkeley regents and chancellors scholarship...UC Berkeley has been my goal since 7th grade and to be nominated as a candidate for this scholarship was beyond my hopes. Thank you so much for all your help and support. The college process is such a daunting task and the assurance and confidence you gave me were invaluable.
UC Berkeley, Angelina L.

I just wanted to let you know (that) I got accepted to Brown University; Decisions came out today and I literally jumped out of my seat in Physics class! Thanks for all the help with applications and the SAT stuff and thank you pretty much for everything!
Brown, Shravya A.

I just got admitted into Stanford University for early action. Thank you for your guidance over the past couple years!
Stanford, Tiffany K.

Thank you so much for all of your help. I couldn't have done it without you.
Princeton, Alice X.

I was accepted into both MIT and Caltech! Thank you so much for your guidance and instruction. Without your help, I would have never achieved this. Thank you so much!!!
MIT, Amanda K.

[Ivy Review] helped me with every aspect of college admissions, and I could not have gotten into my first-choice school without them.
Harvard/Stanford, Solomon L.

The program has helped me immensely by providing not only the ideal resources for test preparation but also the motivation and drive to succeed beyond academics and build upon my personal goals. Thank you for your guidance!
Stanford, Eunice L.

I remember in junior year, the jittery feelings I started having about college admissions. "How am I going to distinguish myself from all the other thousands of hopeful applicants out there?" This program was the key. Thank you [for] giving me much needed advice - I really do not think I would have made it to Stanford without your help.
Stanford, Hui Ye Z.

I would first like to thank you so much for your guidance and mentorship. You not only shared your academic expertise but your passion for serving others and your drive for excellence.
Harvard, June Ho K.

I just received my acceptance letter from Johns Hopkins today! Thank you so much for all your help these past few months, from editing my essays to reviewing my applications and answering my questions. I really want to thank everyone at Ivy Review in helping make my college application process easier and less stressful. I'm just so happy right now and so grateful for everything.
Johns Hopkins, Catherine Y.

Thank you so much for all the guidance in college admissions! I learned some valuable information about the process that definitely gave me an edge. The personal interaction and advice, the college interview preparation, and the workshops all helped me tons. Thanks again!
Harvard/Yale, Sam R.

Ivy Review has changed my life so much! Before I came to Ivy Review, I thought that just good grades would get me into a prestigious university. After I took the program though, I learned so much more about the college process! [Ivy Review] not only taught me about the new SAT, but also about the college admissions process and about good study habits. Ivy Review made the Ivy League dream into a reality for me!
Brown, Theodora T.

I have to say that the program has greatly exceeded my expectations. I felt that the instructors really worked with me and taught me many new and insightful strategies for studying...
Yale, Steven H.

You have been such a tremendous help. The more time I spend at Harvard, the more I realize how much your advice and counseling have truly brought me to where I am today. I wouldn't even have had that choice if it weren't for your guidance and aid. Thank you so much.
Harvard, David S.

Thanks to the program, I was accepted early to Stanford this year! I owe them so much for giving me not only the best educational guidance available, but also the motivation and desire to succeed.
Stanford, Sally C.

Thank you for your continued guidance and support as I prepared to apply to colleges and later needed to select the one to attend.
Harvard, Steven L.

Thank you so much for guiding me throughout the years!...I could not have progressed academically without your support. It has truly been a great honor and privilege to have been your student.
Stanford, Gilbert H.

My dad had always told me that I needed to continually raise my standards and expose myself to a high caliber of people so that I could further challenge myself. At Ivy Review I found this environment.
Harvard, Stephen L.

Thanks to the program, I was accepted early to Stanford this year! I owe Ivy Review so much for giving me not only the best educational guidance available but also the motivation and desire to succeed.
Stanford, Sally C.

Thank you for all the help that you've given me in the past two years. It really paid off! I was accepted early at Stanford for the class of 2004! Thank you for all the SAT prep and college application aid. I could not have done it without your help.
Stanford, Michelle C.

I'm at Cornell now...I must say it has been the best decision I ever made. Despite the fickle weather, I have fallen in love with Cornell, Ithaca, the East Coast. Thank you so much for all that you have done for me. I appreciate your compassion for me. I thank you for teaching that life and success are all about choice. You never had to spend as much time with me as you did. You were never required to give me advice. I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with you.
Cornell, Jina K.

Thank you for all the guidance in the past year. I really appreciate the time and care you took to help me with everything: my test scores, applications, and college essays. Ivy Review is an amazing program!...I always came out of class motivated to try harder. I'm so excited for everything God has planned for me this year. And I pray that He continue to bless you and your family.
Amherst, J. Y. L.

Thanks for everything. I got accepted to Princeton University. I wish you and your family the best.
Princeton, Myra C.

I was the girl obsessed with getting into Johns Hopkins University. I applied early decision and I just got my acceptance letter! Thank you for all your help.
Johns Hopkins, Kimberly D.

Thank you once again for everything that you did to help me get so far. That acceptance letter from Harvard was beyond what I was realistically hoping for. The financial aid package looks better than great, too.
Stanford/Harvard, Sophia L.

I recently received my early decision letter to U Penn and I wanted to thank Ivy Review for your great help. Taking Ivy Review classes in the summer was definitely one of the best decisions I think I’ve ever made.
U Penn, Diana K.

In one short email I cannot even begin to convey my gratitude for your help over the past years...Your advice for my personal statement as well as your admissions expertise on everything from course selection to the SAT really set me apart from a pool of over 50,000 applicants and from the bottom of my heart, I just want to thank you! I couldn't have gotten this far without you. GO BEARS! With sheer gratitude.
UC Berkeley, Daniel C.

Your class gave me perspective on not only the admissions process but also helped narrow down my extracurricular activities to what I truly wanted to do in depth.
Yale, Will K.

Ivy Review gave the necessary tools to help me gain entrance into college, and the environment and culture have also instilled in me the motivation that no parent or teacher can show or teach.
Yale, Christine J.

I got Regents at both UCLA and Berkeley, Caltech, Dartmouth, and Columbia. I am most likely to attend Caltech, Thank you.
CalTech, Seohyun K.

I just want to tell you that I got accepted by Stanford! I appreciate all the help that you've given me this year. I couldn't have done it without you. A million thanks.
Stanford, George F.

ALLLLEEEEEX OMG IM GONNA CRY THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG. Thank you so much!! I couldn't have done it without your help!
Brown PLME, Jasmin K.

This kid got into Wharton class of 2017 ED. I thank you for all your help in getting me there.
UPenn Wharton, Sai K.

Accepted to Duke and full ride to USC! Thanks for your help!
Duke, Darren Z.

I am writing to inform you the good news that my son, Tianda has just received the admission notice from Stanford University!
Stanford, Father of Tianda D.

Thank you so much for coaching Leslie! We are very happy to have you to coach her through this period of time. Without you, she [would have been unable] to get in [sic] Sargent College, BU with her major.
Boston University, Mother of Leslie F.