(Courtesy of Pexels)
Going on campus tours is one of the most crucial parts of deciding where to apply or even go to college if you have been accepted. Most colleges and universities offer campus tours year-round and multiple time slots per day. They are usually accompanied by a formal information session before or after the tour that summarizes the academic essentials and statistics you can find on their respective school’s website. Current students give campus tours to interested groups and talk about the more informal elements of college life from living in a dorm to attending athletic events. These tours can give you a real understanding of what it’s like to attend the school and an opportunity to get answers to questions you can’t find anywhere else. Here are eight questions you should definitely ask on any campus tour:
What are the relationships between dorm RAs (resident advisors) and students like?
Depending on the school, RAs can have many different roles from simply enforcing alcohol policies and quiet hours to being a mental health resource and peer counselor.
Where is the best place to relax on campus?
The first semester can often be the most difficult, even if you’re taking a light course load. Knowing where to go and enjoy peace and quiet can come in handy for a much-needed break from stress.
What do students do for fun off campus?
Sometimes there are no fun activities on campus, especially around midterms or finals, and you might feel the need to give yourself an afternoon or night off from studying.
Are there Zipcars available nearby?
Many schools don’t allow first-year students to have a car on campus. If the school is suburban or rural, it can be tricky to get off campus without having to take some overpriced rideshare. Zipcars are the perfect way to cheaply rent a car for a few hours.
How accessible are health services?
At any point during college, you might get sick or injured. Most schools have health clinics or centers that offer a variety of services. It is important to know how accessible these are.
Where can you buy the best cookies and coffee on and off campus?
Pulling all-nighters will happen at some point and coffee will become your best friend. Whether you’re studying in the library and need a quick pick-me-up or planning to camp out in a coffee shop all day, finding the best coffee (and cookie!) place is essential.
What time is the earliest a class can start?
Depending on your major, classes can be much earlier than you realize and the core classes you have to take may occur at a time you’re never awake. Some schools have a policy that classes don’t start earlier than 9 A.M., while others may begin as early as 8 A.M.
Is there a CVS or Walgreens within walking or biking distance?
The first semester you’re bound to get sick, even if you’re going to school in a warmer climate. Knowing if there’s a drug store nearby can be a lifesaver when you run out of tissues and snacks.
If you’re still unsure about what to ask on a campus tour or even need help deciding where to even book tours, sign up for a 1-hour consultation to get the inside scoop on the college search.